Pervious Concrete, Inc.

Michael Bledsoe (President)
206-940-8900 (Mobile)
425-308-5555 (Office)
206-525-2800 (Fax)

Pervious Concrete, Inc.
P.O. Box 1579
WA 98291-1579


Pervious Concrete: The Smart Stormwater Solution

Dan Huffman, NRMCA, Testifies before Congress

White Roofs, Streets Could Curb Global Warming

Asphalt Problems


Pioneering Pervious Pavement at Stratford Place Task Force assists City of Sultan and Developer, Craig Morrison of CMI Inc.

Puget Sound Action Team (PSAT) Low Impact Development (LID) Recognizes our Pioneering Efforts

Seattle Post Intelligencer Articles on stormwater and the Puget Sound ecosystem:

Low-impact methods have high impact on ecosystems

Toxic stormwater is one of the Sound's biggest threats